Do you influence or do you manipulate people to get what you want? What exactly is the difference? I mean in the end, you end up getting what you want right? Wrong, The difference lies in loyalty, if you influence someone then you get them to
want to do what
you want them to do. If you coerce or manipulate you may achieve short term success, however in the long term you will loose their trust and they will perceive you as someone who violated their trust rather than a leader. Therefore a great leader will influence others to achieve long term success. Although, sometimes you have no choice but to manipulate, for example my wife wants to influence me to do the dishes. Well that's just not going to happen -- she's never going to convince me that I
want to do dishes, so she settles for manipulation :). Now that we've gotten my daily tidbit out of the way let's get into the topic at hand which is -- mBGP (Multicast BGP) not to be confused with Multi-protocol BGP which is used by MPLS, IPv6 etc.
Imagine you have Unicast Servers and Multicast Sources on the same network. Furthermore, imagine that you have 2 paths to reach that network, however you want to separate Unicast and Multicast traffic between different paths. How can we achieve this? Well there are a couple of options.
One, we can add static mroutes downstream or you could run mBGP and since the title of this blogtorial is configuring mBGP we'll choose the latter option.
Consider this simple topology and let's get started.
Complete configs can be found